zondag, maart 9, 2025


Mission Statement

Founded in 1996 the Amdoc Europe Foundation is a European-American friendship organization. We are transatlantic, political neutral, dedicated to cooperation, freedom of speech, freedom of religion and to a free economy. Amdoc promotes free trade.

European countries and the United States of America share a long and intensive history together. And given the fact that America was build and developed by large numbers of European settlers we can easily speak of the US as a unique place where Europeans from many countries came together to build a new society leaving wars and cultural differences behind.

Amdoc: the European-American Think Tank

Amdoc is a think tank studying and publishing about all aspects of the relationship between Europe and the United States.

Amdoc acts as a lobbying organization at parliaments in European countries as well as in the European Parliament in Brussels and in the House of Representatives and the Senate in Washington, DC

You can find us also in Berlin, London, The Hague, Paris and everywhere else, where the European-American relationship is at stake in the political process. Amdoc acts on behalf of strong transatlantic bonds.

The Amdoc Europe Foundation plays also an active role in facilitating student exchanges as well as academic research concerning the transatlantic relations.

We are committed to a world of values and we treasure the freedom we achieved in Western-Europe with the enormous help of the American Army in 1945.

Freedom is not for free. Political freedom, but also economic freedom.

Besides our strong lobbying activities on behalf of the EU-US relationship the AMDOC Europe Foundation plays also an active role in facilitating student, cultural and sports exchanges as well as academic research concerning the transatlantic relations.

Amdoc Europe Chairman Jo Spätgens (r) meets German Economics Minister Peter Altmaier (l) in Berlin.

Our activities benefit Europe and America.

We are convinced that our activities are important to keep the European – American dialogue going. This is why the AMDOC Europe Foundation wants to step up its activities in Europe.

We want to:

Increase our lobbying activities in Brussels and in The United States; Increase our lobbying activities at various parliaments and governments across Europe; Increase our public relations activities aimed at the European press concerning the EU-US relationship and our common interests in the world; Increase our involvement in student exchange programs; Cooperate with organizations and think tanks like CEPS and GMF, to promote giving more attention to the European-American relationship in their programs and activities; Work closely with the European Commission and with the Delegation for relations with the U.S. in the European Parliament; Work very closely with U.S. Ambassador to the EU and the U.S. Mission to the European Union;

Bring together the European-American business community, which is 45,000 companies strong, motivate them to take part in our mission and of course promote the Transatlantic Common Market!

Europe and America

Europe and America share a long and intensive history together. We are convinced that in today’s world both sides of the Atlantic can benefit from cooperating on many fields.


Effective cooperation and regular consultation between the US Government, the European Commission and various European governments have proven to be essential to safeguard our position in the world.


The NATO alliance has proven to be the most effective peace organization since World War II.


The EU and the US share a thriving and mutually beneficial economic partnership. Their trade and investment relationship is the largest in the world.


Given the fact that most present day Americans have European immigrants as forefathers there is an easy cultural understanding across the Atlantic.


Travel and migration between the two continents has always been frequent and massive.